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Have your genetic material preserved!

Wouldn't a future in which we can cure all diseases, extend our lives and perhaps even rejuvenate ourselves be a great future? 


To notice:

What exactly is genetic material?

Simply explained, the genome is a construct made up of all the genes that a living being has. It includes all the genetic information present in a cell. The genome is stored in the nucleus of a cell in the form of DNA. Every living thing on this planet; Humans, animals and plants, have genomes. It has now been scientifically proven that the information we can read from a genome is the individual blueprint of each person.

We believe that in the near future diseases can be cured using genomic technology. Numerous scientists confirm this. The research being carried out in this area is in full swing. As a result, it is likely that we will also be able to achieve other measures using genomic technology. For example, genetically caused hair loss or genetically caused acne could be edited out of the genetic information at an early stage. Research is also being conducted into the production of artificial organs. Research in this area is ongoing. 

Human genetic makeup does not remain the same throughout life. It changes over the course of life due to environmental influences and diet. For this reason, we recommend preserving your genetic material early and in a healthy life so that you can fall back on it in the event of an acquired or hereditary disease.

The genetic material is structured as a result of a sequencing process based on the latest scientific knowledge. 

The preservation method

In a high vacuum, sealed and coated with silicon dioxide, we preserve your genetic material for the future. To ensure that your genetic material is effectively protected from external environmental influences, we place the genetic material in an 18-carat gold-plated amulet that reflects the benefits of a Faraday cage.

The advantage of this method

With our complex method, no data about your genetic material is stored on computers or smartphones. Hacker attacks are also ruled out. It is protected from environmental influences such as: radiation, moisture, oxygen and low heat (from 90 degrees Celsius your genetic material is denatured). To ensure that your unique DNA remains constant, you can pass on your genetic amulet (we believe that passing on the genetic amulet is important). 

Erbgut-Konservation von Neugeborenen

Im Laufe des Lebens können einige Dinge wie z.B. Ernährung oder Umwelteinflüsse, Erbgut eines Menschen verändern. Aus diesem Grund ist es enorm wichtig, dass man sein Erbgut in gesunden und falls möglich in jungen Lebzeiten konserviert und aufbewahrt. Da das Erbgut von Neugeborenen praktisch unverändert ist, empfehlen wir dieses seines Kindes zu konservieren. Zudem eignet sich der Erbgut-Speicher perfekt als Taufungs- oder Willkommensgeschenk für ein Neugeborenes.

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dog and cat

Genetic sample for animals

In addition to the genetic samples for humans, we immortalize the genetic makeup of animals using the same technology as we do for humans. Of course we have to draw a clear line between humans and animals. The research goals mentioned above are purely related to humans. Animal healing through DNA could be possible, but it could also be incredibly expensive compared to humans. Apart from the fact that you can already clone your pet abroad (which is prohibited in Switzerland), we strive to immortalize the animal's genetic material as a souvenir of the animal itself.In addition to conventional cremation, the genome amulet preserves the animal's genetic material.

Contact us


Dr. h.c. Rudolf Locher

+41 79 400 64 04

Dominic Briggen

+41 78 648 50 67


Eichackerstrasse 22

8600 Dübendorf


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