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Edit the genome with the highest precision using CRISPR/Cas9


CRISPR/Cas9. A biotechnological method that makes it possible to edit the genetic material. Genes in cells can be precisely removed, replaced or changed using this method. In addition, the activity of individual genes can be increased or reduced with CRISPR/Cas9. A team from ETH Zurich developed a method for specifically modifying entire gene networks. In addition, cells can be programmed on a massive scale. In cell replacement therapy, damaged cells could be replaced with healthy cells.

Source: ETH Zurich,



The CRISPR/Cas9 method makes it possible to rewrite the code of life

How researchers want to defeat aging

Is cell rejuvenation possible?


The promises are big and come from the mouths of renowned researchers. “Next up: age reversal in humans,” wrote Harvard professor David Sinclair in a recent tweet. Spanish researcher Juan Carlos Izpisúa Belmonte is also optimistic. He told the newspaper “El País” that he was convinced that it would be possible to prevent diseases and aging through cell rejuvenation. 

The researchers are referring to a newer approach to aging research, a process for cell rejuvenation known as reprogramming. 

Older body cells are returned to their embryonic state. What sounds like science fiction actually worked on mice. The process was discovered in 2006 by the Japanese biologist and stem cell researcher Shinya Yamanaka. He received the Nobel Prize for this.

Ten years later, Juan Carlos Izpisúa Belmonte applied the technique to aging mice. These lived longer than untreated mice. A few years ago, a team led by David Sinclair “reprogrammed” retinal cells in almost blind mice and was able to significantly improve their vision.

And a few days ago, researchers managed to repeat a similar experiment on primates. However, this study has not yet been reviewed by the scientific community.

Quotert SRF, source: Werden-aufhalten-wollen

State of research in gene and cell therapy

Gene and cell therapies have been developed and approved for a growing number of diseases. Researchers are working to develop new therapies for a wide range of other diseases.


The research and development of cell and gene therapies is a lengthy process that begins with basic research in the laboratory and ideally ends with a safe, effective therapy. Various studies in Europe and around the world are at different stages of research.

As research techniques advance, scientists gain more and more new insights into the fundamentals of cell biology and genetics. In the laboratory, scientists research novel therapies and use human cells and tissues to create "models" of certain diseases. Clinical researchers conduct clinical trials in which patients receive novel therapies under close medical supervision to determine their effectiveness. Medical and clinical researchers are also studying whether approved therapies can be repurposed, i.e. H. whether they might be useful for treating other diseases or other elements of the same disease.

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